An auto-responder email is a message that's sent back immediately to everybody who sends an email to an e-mail address with this feature enabled. The senders will get the automatic answer once their emails are received and you'll not have to do anything whatsoever by hand. A couple of examples of making use of auto-responder messages are sending an affirmation that a transaction has been received and the order is being prepared or that a person is on holiday and will not be available for a particular time period. In the first situation the function is enabled permanently, while in the second one it is temporary. Even if you use an e-mail mainly for personal correspondence, you may use an auto-responder to let the e-mail sender know that the email is received successfully.

Auto-responder Emails in Shared Website Hosting

If you wish to configure an auto-responder message for a mailbox made in a shared website hosting plan with us, it won't take you more than several mouse clicks to do this. You can view a list of all electronic addresses which you have from the Emails section of the Hepsia Control Panel, that will come with all hosting accounts. For each one of them, you will notice a little auto-responder icon and everything you will need to do will be to click on it, type the content that you'd like to use and save the change - it is as easy as that. Creating an auto-responder for various emails and editing or deleting an active auto-responder is just as effortless and can be carried out whenever you want. There'll be a special icon for any mailbox with an enabled auto-responder from the Emails section, so you will have the ability to keep track with ease and adjust the status of the function at any time if needed.