24/7 Customer Support
Discover more about customer support and why it's hard to discover a hosting provider which offers top-class support.
Being able to communicate with your shared website hosting supplier when you have any questions or encounter any issues is quite important and how fast they'll answer back and react is usually essential, particularly if your website is business-oriented, as more downtime can often mean losing potential clients. The support options are usually a quick way to distinguish genuine providers from resellers. The latter usually respond only to emails or support tickets and you'll need to wait for a day or maybe more so as to receive a response. If the problem needs several replies, you will end up losing several days to have a problem fixed. Using the services of a legitimate and reputable web hosting company, you will be in a position to connect with the support at any moment and get an instant response no matter what the issue or your question is - pre-sales, customer or tech one.
24/7 Customer Support in Shared Website Hosting
The customer and tech support services for all our shared website hosting plans are twenty-four-seven, which means that you can forget all about waiting for a couple of days to receive assistance. In case you are not our client yet, you can give us a call, chat with a representative or send an email message. In case you already have an account, you are able to open a support ticket on top of the other three ways of communication. You're able to pick the most suitable way to contact us depending on where you are or the device you use. We will help you for almost any webhosting-related question that you may have or problem that you can encounter and even if you contact us during the weekend or on official holidays, we will be available 24/7. For more technical or time-consuming issues you can open a support ticket, but even then the max reply time will never exceed sixty minutes.