phpMyAdmin is a powerful PHP-based software tool used to handle MySQL databases using a web interface. You can use it to run MySQL commands, create, edit and delete cells, rows and tables or control users with different levels of access to the database in question. Each one of these tasks can easily be carried out from any device as long as you have a browser and access to the web hosting account where the database is. With phpMyAdmin, you can also export or import an entire database, which is a very helpful feature if you would like to migrate a website from one hosting provider to another. Many different file formats are supported for the so-called dump file - CSV, SQL, XML and PDF, based on what you need to do - move the content from one internet hosting account to another, preview a whole database in a spreadsheet app for instance Microsoft Excel, and so on.

phpMyAdmin in Shared Website Hosting

You will be able to employ phpMyAdmin to access any database that you create inside a shared website hosting account acquired through our company simply because we provide the tool by default with all our hosting plans. Once you log in to your Hepsia web hosting CP and set up a new database in the MySQL Databases section, a little phpMyAdmin icon will appear on its right-hand side. What is needed to log in automatically is to click on that icon and the tool will open in a new browser tab, so you can handle the database content. That is also the way to import a database in case you are moving your Internet site from another provider to our sophisticated cloud hosting platform. An alternative way to log in to a database is if you use our direct phpMyAdmin login URL, but you must know the DB account information. This option will enable you to grant access to any database to other individuals, without granting them access to the whole Internet hosting account.